Where does my soul dwell,
Was my constant wonder as a child,
I knew it was that inner part of me,
That was God’s most precious gift,
But, for a time I gave my soul,
For a price that was both
Too low and far too high
Given to something that could never return,
Such a precious gift, then wasted,
Because, I gave it to something,
That could never appreciate,
It’s true eternal value.
Until it was lost I didn’t know,
And then, I realised what was wisely said,
What does it profit a man – whose soul is lost
My life lived with a gaping hole.
That should be filled by learning how to be.
But, today my soul is restored,
to that place known by God and I.
I took it from the one that it belonged,
When I kept the gift for myself,
What was intended to free, instead,
Was a burden that weighed me down,
A price that was both,
Too low and far too high,
The debt was my soul’s weariness,
The cost that threatened life itself,
But, when life’s true value is renewed,
My soul once more returned,
To its home that promises,
No gain in this world – rather eternal rest,
My soul is found where my inner yearning,
That gaping hole Is filled with love,
As I learn to rediscover all I am meant to be.