This is was a reflection on the how I have felt at times during the past couple of weeks.
But, the beautiful photo taken by April Gribble from our lounge window makes me realise that there’s another side to fog that needs to be seen as well.
When the fog rolls in,
The dull ache in my stomach,
Gnawing at my soul,
That voice speaking,
When I visit a thousand
Small meannesses
This morning,
Saying to myself, Look!
You did it again,
Trusted in the untrustworthy,
Stupid futility,
In a life not fully lived.
Pain visits, my innermost parts
Over and over, loudly,
Saying, failed.
I wish to rise above this
To look out on the beauty,
Of morning’s light,
My ache,
Welcoming the fog rolling in,
Knowing that light is there
Seeking me,
Hope, slowly arrives,
Not in a rush,
But in the faithful acts,
True to my ache
The kindness
Needed for today.