John Chapter 8:1- 11
The lie usually expresses itself through condemnation. In this case the Religious Leaders, full of righteousness anger drag a woman before Jesus. They didn’t care about her at all, they were so steeped in the lie that they could only see their own perspective.
But, this encounter would clearly show their hypocrisy. They weren’t interested in truth. They were only interested in making their own point. They had stopped listening to the Voice a long time ago.
I imagine that this poor woman was in this situation because of how she was treated at home. Adultery isn’t usually a woman’s first choice for intimacy. They dragged her before Jesus and listed the rules that she had broken. They didn’t care one bit for her as a person. She had unchecked some areas on of their list and this was considered unforgivable.
The religious leaders spat it out their contempt of the truth and showed their true selves. It was a trap, not a search for truth.
Jesus unfazed asked the perfect question that completely disarmed their lie: “is there any person who is completely innocent?” Then he looked them in the eye and said; “if you are completely without sin you can have the first blow”.
Jesus didn’t even bother to look at these accusers. Their words were designed to be trapdoors to destroy. Not doors to open into truth. Words that had no love contained in them. Questions that were seeking to perpetuate the lie that they had immersed themselves in.
Jesus looked at the woman. It’s hard to describe his expression. It was the sort of look that a mother has when she is looking at a newborn child. There’s wonder and curiosity of the yet to be known parts. It’s the coming together of two hearts in unabashed love. It wasn’t an uncomfortable stare, but a gaze that enabled mutual sharing of compassion and care to be expressed and appreciated.
When Jesus turned away from the woman back to where the religious leaders were standing. They had all gone. I could see that it was the older ones who left first. They were the ones who could see what Jesus had really asked and knew they were in the wrong. The younger leaders battled with pride for much longer. Admitting wrong in the presence of someone that they despised was not easy. You could see that they were torn. They left but were preparing for their next battle with the Flesh.
The next part of the encounter showed the true nature of the Flesh. It is a refreshing antidote to the lie.
Jesus asked a question but the answer was obvious. All her accusers had left. There was no one there to condemn her. But, Jesus asked her to press home his point and to show her the secret. “Where are they? Did anyone stay to condemn you?”
“There’s no one”, was her response.
Now the Voice, the Breath and the Flesh speak with one voice, “I don’t condemn you either”
My Beloved’s Voice
Whispers softly
You are my beloved
Soft words giving
Loving hope
Offering joy
Caring compassion
Certain friend
Forgiving love
My Father’s voice
Sure and insistent
Desires wholeness
Life’s fullness
I am your beloved
Your creation
Wonderfully made
Loved unconditionally
Graciously accepted
By an open heart
Longing to speak
Hope and trust
Well done my child
(Chris Gribble)