A. Allow time for lots of questions. Our four year old son’s favorite question at the moment is, “Why?” These are important things for him and need to be answered.
B. Be there. I know that this is stating the obvious but if you are not there kids know. And don’t try to excuse not being there by talking about quality time. Of course we need to spend quality time but we make the quality by investing in the quantity.
C. Care for the whole family. One of the best investments that you can make for your kids as a father is to care properly for their mother. How else are your sons going to know how to treat women and how are your daughters going to know how the men in their life are to be treated.
D. Dare to see life as an adventure. I know that kids need to see stability but life is also an adventure and needs to be lived to its fullest.
E. Encourage lots. Don’t fall into the trap of endessly criticising you kids expecting perfection. Be happy when they nearly get things right.
more coming……..
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