As I have mentioned the book is a fascinating read and give a great deal of insight into the character of this man. As I read it I discovered some of what I would like to do and also what I would like not to do. Without a doubt time has mellowed him and his family has had an enormous impact on some of the more abrasive edges of him.
- Be focussed – Steve Jobs is an incredibly focussed man. He is not afraid to put his head on the line for what he believes in. In several biographies that I have read recently this is a quality that has stood out to me.
- Be honest – One story about the way he treated his early partner Woz did not sit well with me at all. There is no need for dishonesty. And even though the sum was only a small amount it did a great deal of damage for their relationship. I would also disagree with some of his business ethics. To me my word is my bond and it is not to be changed lightly. Steve appears to be able to see situations from only one perspective his own and therefore in a number of the situations described demonstrated a lack of integrity.
- Take risks – Several times he put it all on the line. He was prepared to live by his convictions. Sometimes it is hard to leave the safe cocoon of a secure job. But, I would like to think that I could also take the challenge of risking all for the sake of what I believe in.
- Family is important – He says that this is the one thing that changed him the most. I would have to agree. I have discovered in my kids a whole world that nothing else I can do compares to. This really is the one area that I don’t want to fail in.
iCon is a fascinating read about the life of an extraordinary man. Even though it describes his failings and personal shortcomings I didn’t feel that it was done in a detrimental way. Steve Jobs is after all a human being who has been a part of several extraordinary stories in his business life. He has failed but then he has risen above his failures to go onto bigger and better things.
Hi, on the “bo honest” point, I would really love to read what Steve Wozniak had to say about Jobs in his iWoz book. Have you read it?