Wait, be here now,
The anxious cries of life
Will always seek comfort
Life doesn’t understand, Worrying
about what is expected,
Tomorrow, Today’s wisdom is,
do what is here now,
Befriend this moment,
Let love be fully present
Even when hope has despaired.
A promise about life,
Seems impossible, To me,
Death arrived, My
sadness evidence of great love,
Compassion sheds a tear,
With me,
Knowing, that life is coming,
Soon, even while I grieve,
Sobbing as only love can sob,
Even death and its final separation,
Has to obey love.
The act of faith, committed,
When the stone is rolled away,
Life emerges,
Death, is seeing a new reality,
Its vestiges want to cling,
Its grave clothes holding onto me,
The Voice and flesh’s words
Heard today,
I am listening and imagining,
My tears, flowing,
Knowing what is lost, Dying,
My tears for yesterday’s sadness,
Wants to stay again today,
Unless I rise up,
Joining with life, anew,
Believing in sadness, weeping,
loving, trusting, Taking off
my grave clothes,
Free to live again, Now.