Storm clouds on the horizon,
Announce the coming rain,
No surprises, it will arrive in time,
Coming from God’s hand,
That continues to guide,
The world’s path,
From the beginning of time,
And each new day,
Nothing will escape its path.
This storm will bring refreshing rain,
Reviving the tired and weary soul,
Loneliness became my closest friend,
Stopping to take time to listen,
To my sad story of painful loss,
Restlessly seeking my true home.
The desert was where hope was born,
Hopelessness was not the conclusion,
Instead it was the mother of possibility,
Suckling me when my life collapsed,
My fearful view of what lay ahead,
Saw only interminable despair.
Surrounded by hurtful words,
Spewed out from the soul’s darkest corner,
What started with hope was my prison,
Safety came from trusting God totally,
Abandoning all my self constructed security,
Life lived with courageous
Look out! God will not delay his coming,
The voice of praise will shake the world,
The tears shed will find their comfort,
Celebration will be the beloved’s response,
It will shout to the world his love,
The storm’s thunder a whisper in comparison,
His beloved enjoying every single word.