The beautiful gift given with an open heart,
Grace focussed in the kindest of smiles,
Traded for an instant of earthly approval,
Death comes with the breaking of trust,
Who can count the cost of what is lost?
When a precious life is easily discarded,
That tender reed the most loyal of hearts.
When will God let what is beautiful flower?
The bud of hope retreats from deep loss,
Shame is the answer for all past sins,
When lovingkindness is rejected,
Forgotten in life’s deafening noise,
Desolation the only comfort for a broken heart.
When will your justice show truth in its horror?
The sad choices that are made continue to haunt,
Pain continues even when calling your name,
As each day closes reflecting the darkness inside,
Out of the wreckage of life’s awful path,
Comes the gift of praise from my deepest parts,
What was forgotten has it turn to shine,
Eternity’s praise on all that remains.