The pain of my lonely pilgrim’s path,
That left me wondering if God exists,
Witnessing the daily carnage of lost hope,
Memories of better times kept me alive,
Wondering if life could begin again?
Who am I to question God’s choices?
The least of all floundering in not knowing,
If life could ever be joined with trust again.
My dear enemy’s constant taunts.
Dragging up every bit of pain,
Each barbed comment increasing my agony,
Seething anger burning with every encounter
Everything was about his destruction,
Desecration of the holy gave him joy,
Arrogance shouted his bitter words at God,
Spewing out his foolish justifications,
Deafening noise for his foolish listeners,
Unbelievable when filtered by wisdom,
Not heard by God’s righteous ears.
My descent into silence,
The solitude of driest desert,
Was the place where hope emerged,
Beginning in the quietness of the early morning,
Hope was a word that belonged to me,
A gift when human loyalty had disappeared,
The awakening of life was painfully slow,
Every day I wondered what pain would emerge,
Until healing completed its work in me,
God heart joined with mine,
Life’s source gently taking my hand.
Courage leading me to where life begins again,