My nightly tear filled sleep,
Is the reminder of my deepest love,
Given but turned aside for a better offer,
I reach out to God but hear only an empty echo,
The sounds of heartfelt regret shattering silence,
Salt rubbed in through the taunts of justification,
Forgetting that the most painful wound,
Is the one that is the stab in the heart.
Where can I turn when sadness overcomes me?
My life is desolation on desolation.
Broken promises standing on broken promises,
Nothing is sacred, even love’s true beauty,
Is not appreciated for what it’s worth,
Missed in the busyness of life,
Forgotten in the relentless pursuit of more.
I want God to hold me now,
My tears of sadness washing his feet,
I want to have my brow stroked,
With the hand that knows only compassion,
I want to feel like my life matters,
Hearing God’s whisper of approval for his child,
I want to love more deeply,
Forgiving what cannot be undone,
I want to be merciful,
Walking in my Father’s footsteps,
I want to truly belong,
Safe in that place where only kindness is true.