Freedom is the difficult path that seeks honesty,
Freedom is the heart that listens to the poor,
Freedom is being attentive to God first,
Freedom comes from saying no to second best,
Freedom comes from confronting deceit,
Freedom is seeing that work is designed for good,
Freedom is not perverting work by making an idol,
Freedom is not listening to the voice that says, “failure”.
I want to live life looking truth in the face,
Allowing nothing to distract my path to Eternity,
I want to make my life show Contempt’s shame,
I want to fill my heart with love and compassion.
That confronts anything less with steely determination,
My life a witness to the the blessing found in obedience.
Bless the Lord from the deepest reaches of my heart,
Bless you Lord for seeking out truth in my life,
Breaking my heart open to a brighter light,
Opening up my world to life’s fullest blessing,
Bless you Lord for a name that contains love’s fullest expression,
Bless the Lord for all that today celebrates,
Bless the Lord for what tomorrow has in store.