I had to search through my memory a little to reflect on this psalm. What this psalm reminded me was that sometime I will be in this place again. And, when I am I want to remember what God’s voice says to me.
My cries for help echo in the wilderness,
My desert is the loneliness of lost loyalty,
A search for a true friend who stands with me,
All is lost except for the voice in the desolation,
The only one that I need to answer me.
The baby I held yesterday is preparing to leave,
Life grows and then is gone in an instant,
My children’s exploration of a bigger world,
Reminds me of how time takes the temptation to linger too long,
Too quickly life is marked by its painful bruises,
I count my wasted efforts every day,
Thinking of all the misspent hours lost forever,
Lying awake every night finding more mistakes,
Each day is an empty shell of hopeless hours.
Then there are those who want my blood,
Hurling their insults at random,
Always trying to find a new audience,
Using empty promises as bait to entice,
Unrepentant to the end,
Endless self justifying drivel their full stop.
Words are replaced by tears as my sadness grows,
The shadow of death looms over my life,
Resistance is lost in the hopeless circle of regret,
The hateful baying hounding me day after day.
So, I cried out, seeking Mercy’s beautiful response,
I wanted to find life again, not just live in a shadow,
My life’s foundation had to be rebuilt,
The destruction that surrounded my life,
Spoke the harsh message….
There is nothing permanent in this life,
Except for what belongs to Eternity,
Slowly Eternity rebuilt what was loyal and good,
Beginning by finding a kernel of trustworthiness,
Shared with a multitude of trusting souls gathered in His rest.