I long to speak about the faithful life,
The gift received and my thankfulness welling up,
I have no desire for the life of duplicity,
I have no time for the lies I tell myself,
Even though they may make me feel a little better,
Their comfort lasting only a few minutes,
Until the anxiety returns again.
I have looked into contempt’s cold eyes,
That hold a brittle self assuredness,
Arrogance quickly cracks when dealt truth’s hand,
My life will stand firmly with Grace’s presence,
Seeking out the hard truths expressed with loving kindness.
When the lies come day after day,
Beating me down and seeking to destroy my life,
I will seek the faithful path and learn to find truth,
My body trained to climb the tough mountains,
Their mighty peaks won’t frighten me at all,
Because I have learned to face what is right,
I will not hesitate to confront the squawk
of the small minded life that bleats it’s selfish cry.
My heart desires to uncover any lies,
Hatred reserved only for their deceitful desires,
I will not allow them to come close to me,
Their place is already decided,
The consequences will be the harshest exile,
They don’t belong with Grace,
And, they are no longer my friend,
Banished to the world of selfish intent,
Living forever with the missed opportunity,
Of the hope that was grasped at,
But, are now forever lost to the lies darkness.