An important function of leadership is to be a role model in one's influence of others. Perfection is not expected but leaders are required to demonstrate a depth of character and commitment to the values and mission of the organization if they are to effectively influence others to take this same path. Covey describes the trend that developed during last century of management following a personality cult. Whereas in the one hundred and fifty years previously the focus was on one's integrity, character, trustworthiness what emerged was a series of glib mottos. People were expected to follow one's personality and public image that is lubricated through the use of slogans and behavioural manipulation techniques.
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision the people perish'.
A prime leadership skill will be to envision some desired future state of being, and to inspire others to understand and share that vision (Leadership as Vision, Morden, T.). Effective leadership is able to focus on the big picture issues and see the long term implications of decisions that are made in the present.
To survive in the current world of rapidly changing social structures, technological innovation and the forces of globalization requires the organization to see beyond the current restrictions faced by their members. It will be those groups that identify and provide for the needs of people that will thrive in the future. Those who expect people to come to them and because of past reputations will quickly fade away in the face or rapidly changing needs.