Around the blogosphere this month: These are the articles that have stood out for me:
The Orlando Sentinal –
Although bloggers — basically people who keep Internet diaries to be read by a few or a few thousand — can start off with a bang, many are soon casting about for something to write about. When they get so desperate that they are actually typing “I don’t know what to write,” then the party’s over.
“That’s sort of the quintessential last post,” says Mason, “and then . . . crickets.”
Remember: Passion sells
There are 5,000 new blogs started each day. And many of them are, well, pretty dull. So how do you keep from being in that group?
First, be passionate about your subject matter — whether it’s dating or films or bowling.
- This is so true. With so much happening in the blog world and new blogs being created every moment of every day there needs to be something that will distinguish your blog from the rest of the pack. Passion is a great beginning but then in the following recommendation you will find some tips about what to do to market your articles. People need to hear about what you are doing and that requires work as well.
Last Thursday, I reported on an article marketing experiment I am in the midst of conducting. Specifically, I wanted to create more passive income, so I decided to give article marketing a real try and see how it went.
- This article then has a great follow on to some of the ways to create increased revenue from your site.
Silicon Valley start-ups and media behemoths aren’t the only ones realizing the rewards of the rebounding Web economy. Already, many A-list bloggers have generated significant income from running advertisements on their blogs. Though with an estimated 53.4 million blogs expected to launch by year-end, according to Perseus Development Corporation, it’s safe to assume that not everyone is going to get rich from blogging. So what’s in it for the up-and-coming blogger, beyond creative self-expression?
- It isn’t as easy as it sounds and there are a number of articles that criticise this post because it doesn’t talk about the majority of blogs that wont make very much money. However the possibility to create a valuable niche is there. And, there are all sorts of reasons why you may want to blog. I would suggest that he adsense model by itself has limitations even though many are using it to create a significant income. A blog does give you a public face and it can be a factor in creating a profile that may just provide opportunities that you never thought about.
The emergence of the meganiche –
Now that a billion people are online, even sites aimed at a narrow slice of the Web audience can attract huge crowds. Make way for the meganiche!
- The web world is continuing to grow and with very good incomes being made by those who have found their place the meganiche is worth understanding. The audience is growing everyday and a significant percentage of its users are looking for information. If you can organise your information well and connect with others then you have a high chance of success in creating a new meganiche.
I notice that the posts that have stood out to me are those about the possibilities that blogs can give the blogger. Thats ok because we need to understand the blogging community if we are going to be able to communicate with it. Each of these articles offers valuable insight and explores some of those possibilities.
Nice links and I like the “Gribble Awards” idea. In particular, I like that word “meganiche” – it’s a true phenomenon that’s happening right before our eyes.