Green Light Areas and Motivations… Discovering our strengths can be one of the most important aspects of our vocational journey. All of us have them but many of us lead unfuliflled, dissatisfied lives that are characterised by a dull ache of unfulfilled dreams. The Green Light Profile is a useful tool in discovering these strengths and allowing you to apply strategies to ensure that they are utilised in your work or that you are able to make the right decisions in finding the right job or launching out on a new venture, When you complete the Green Light Profile you will discover that there are four different areas in which you tend to function with varying degrees of effectiveness and satisfaction according to what motivates you or gives you personal satisfaction. Strategy, Tasks, Ideas, and Relationships. One of these will be your Green Light Area. One Yellow Light Area and two Red Light Areas. Below is an overview of these areas. They are broken down into sub-areas e.g. Strategy has three sub-areas, Overcomer, Fronter and Seer. Tasks and Relationships also have three sub-areas whilst Ideas has two.
Ideas Gets personal satisfaction from making new discoveries or producing a visible end expression.
- Learner: seeks to acquire knowledge, expertise, understanding, comprehension.
- Maker: wants to produce, shape, and fit together a harmonized or coordinated visible or audible end-product/end-expression.
Relationships Gets personal satisfaction from providing practical services, helping people, and building relationships.
- Affirmer: likes to be appreciated and affirmed.
- Teamer: enjoys doing things with others: assisting, helping out.
- Uniquer: one of a kind: likes to be special to someone and/or do something different or distinctive.
Tasks Gets personal satisfaction from doing every step right or straightening it out, making it right.
- Improver: wants to make it better, do it better or faster.
- Perfector: must do it right, properly, correctly, precisely: if things not right, must straighten, correct.
- Independenter: wants to do it right and make decisions without having to rely on a lot of others
Strategy Gets personal satisfaction from reaching organisation key success indicators or winning.
- Overcomer: needs to win, conquer, defeat or surmount difficulties and persevere.
- Fronter: at best in front of audiences and/or in charge: wants to surpass and outdo others.
- Seer: has to see immediate progress and achieve concrete, measurable outcomes.