One of the personal challenges that I have taken on over the past few years is to find something of beauty in everyone that I meet. Now Steve Pavlina has raised the bar that much higher and said that even sales people are to be loved.
When picking up my daughter there are a group of mothers and some fathers who meet at what they call the cowshed. I usually try to smile at everyone and at least acknowledge most people. There are some people who will never look back or make contact in any way. That’s ok with me I guess they have busy lives.
I had an interesting experience in our local shopping centre a couple of days ago. Here in one of the stands selling a product was one of the mothers from the cowshed. But, she has never acknowledged me in the two years that we have been picking up our kids.
Guess what? She smiled at me when I was walking past. And, I think that she may have even talked to me if she hadn’t been busy at that moment. Two years of zero contact and then a smile. I smiled back. Maybe it was because the context had change or perhaps she just wanted to try to sell me something. This is not for me to judge, its just for me to enjoy the moment and take that smile and appreciate it for itself.
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I personally have a very hard time with most salesman, even though I am one. I don’t like to be pushed. I want to think and make a logical decision on my own.
I’m not a highly successful salesman necessarily, but I think my approach is lot of why my customers keep coming back. They’re looking for someone who genuinely wants to help them and is working hard to do so. They respect that it’s not always about making a buck, but sometimes just about treating someone else the way you want to be treated.
I really appreciate the post. Great thoughts!