Everyday three hundred million cells
Are no longer are a part of who I am,
Becoming air and water,
My breath joining eternity,
Until that final moment,
On that day,
When I join one hundred thousand souls,
That day we no longer feel the air
entering and leaving our bodies,
Now understanding fully,
The questions we ask about eternity,
While I write this,
I continue living wondering
what will die in me today,
And what are the questions I need to ask.
When death touches me,
In a harsh word, or an unkind stare,
Or when I forget to love enough,
I need to leave the straight line,
Of chronologizing successes and failures,
They are a part of what must be let go,
If fresh life is to push through,
These parts of me that are dying,
Returning me to where I was formed,
A dark womb shaped around me,
Waiting, to be invited to join life,
Formed to have every detail loved,
To grieve the daily deaths,
Celebrate life breaking through,
Even a tomb two thousand years ago,
So I breath again, and again…….