The thought of Eternity’s love pouring down,
Humanity’s most beautiful gift,
Given to me, takes my breath away,
My feeblest attempt to describe your grace,
Brings me to a faint glimpse of your beauty,
There are not enough words or paintings,
To describe the promise of His sacred truth,
Humanity’s tragic tramp through history,
Is our sad story of heartbroken forgetting.
Today I am called to remember,
Touched by the healing waters of love,
I am His beloved, never forgotten,
Entrusted with the gift of his truthful heart,
Sharing the fragrance of his body,
Closely held in an intimate embrace,
My delight is in Grace’s words to me,
A procession of never ending praise,
His white blaze of glory warms my soul,
Entering my heart in a joyous celebration,
My eyes are captured by Eternity’s gaze,
Inviting me into His heart, the soul of love,
Forever, the promise of life shared with me.