For most people it won’t. In fact like most things in life it will probably disappoint if you set out just to make money. But if it is something that you aspire to here are a couple of excellent links to sites that may help you in that journey.
- Steve Pavlina’s article on making money. It is as he describes it a monster but it is full of invaluable information on how to make money blogging.
- Pro-blogger – the whole site is full of invaluable information about setting up your site to maximise income.
- Yaro Starak – Not just a blogger but an entrepreneur who has lots of ideas that are worth considering.
- Guy Kawasaki – the first one hundred and 20 days of his blog.
Of course there are hundreds of blogs out there but these are four of the best that I have found. They make sense, explain in everyday language (not geek speak) and they have done it themselves.
Or you can be like most of us and just enjoy the journey. I love technology, spirituality, personal growth and people. A blog allows someone like me to express themselves and live their passion. It also provides a means for others to share that journey, to comment and to contribute. What more could a person want?
Hey thanks for the mention Chris!
I think your math is slightly off but that’s okay, I’m always pleased when I’m linked with Darren and Steve.
you were right I added a couple of extra links and forget to change how many. Thanks Yaro