Our family has recently had some huge changes which may explain my lack of blogging lately. I know that I have talked about it but the reality of leaving my role as a pastor is really starting to sink in. I have hit the reality of being self employed with a rude awakening.
First Principle – If you don’t work you don’t earn any money. Not a big surprise and perhaps an obvious truth for many of us. Some of the immediacy of this can be hidden from behind the protective layers of sick pay, holiday pay and many of the other protective aspects of working for a wage.
So I have been working hard. Not because I think that I am getting rich but because of the tyranny of the urgent. I have been also working hard physically which has been a bit of a shock for my 42 year old body that hasn’t seen a lot of really hard work for quite a long time.
Second Principle – Hard physical work is good for the soul. It clears the mind of some of the trash and superfluous rubbish that can come in when we have the time and energy to indulge in such things. Lately I have got home and stayed awake till about 8.30 pm and then fallen into a very deep sleep.
Finally – there is life outside blogging, although I must admit I have missed it a lot. After not posting very regularly I realise I have missed putting my thoughts down and sharing them with others. I have also missed reading the thoughts of others and gaining from their insights.