You are special. Until you realise that no one else in the whole world has your unique combination of strengths, thoughts, emotions, personality, desire, hopes and dreams you will never really reach your potential. No one else will ever be able to do the things that you do in quite the same way. You are special because of your unique spirit.
Until we learn to be comfortable in our own skin we can forget what it is that we were created for. That is why it is so important to be yourself. Everyone else is too busy to be themselves and can never really be the person that you are. That is why its so important to be ourselves and be happy with the way that we are.
This doesn’t mean that we should stop trying to improve ourselves. Being able to change is a part of the wonder of human existence. To become aware of ourselves and to recognise that we can expand our consciousness is a unique gift to humanity. That’s why we need to be ourself and not just try and clone ourself on a perception of what someone elses reality is about.
And if you ever forget just how special you are take this with you:
I’m special. In all the world there is no one like me. Since the beginning of time there has never been another person like me.
Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes, my nose, my hair, my hands, my voice, I’m special.
Nobody anywhere has my taste for food or music or art. Nobody sees things just as I do.
In all time there has been no one who laughs like me, no one who cries like me.
And what makes me laugh and cry will never provoke identical laughter and tears from anybody else, ever.
No one reacts to any situation just as I would react.
I’m special. No one in the universe can reach the quality of my combination of talent, ideas, abilities and feelings.
Like a room full of musical instruments some may excel alone, but none can match the symphony sound when they are played together. I’m a symphony.
Through all eternity no one will ever look, talk, walk, think or do like me.
I’m special. I’m rare.
I’m special. And I am beginning to realise that it is no accident that I’m special.
I’m beginning to realise that God made me special for a very special purpose.
He must have a job that no one else can do as well as I.
Out of billions of applicants only one is qualified only one has the rare combination of what it takes to be me.That one is me, because…….I’m special.
Read this poem whenever you begin to question just how important you are. When you question your life purpose. When you feel less than capable. When you feel as if you have failed in some way.
Always remember that everyone else is taken and that the most important job that you have in this world is to be yourself. Because, you are special.
That’s true…just be yourself coz that’s the core of life. For me to be myself means beautiful and life will be much more easier if you just stay to who you are and not pretending to be somebody else.
I am a teacher and i always teach my students to be proud of themselves coz every human being is created to be unique in his/her own by God.
I just love your writing!!!!
my sirname is gribble as well.
thats freaky
Hi Chris,
I love the poem. Did you write it? My coaching buddy and I are presenting a program to 100 women from shelters, missions, and support programs at a program called Queen: it’s a new day. We would like to use the poem above to share with the woman in our presentation. Are you the author? May we have permission to use it?
Sorry Marlee I don’t know who wrote it. I got it from my wife’s journal where she had copied it from somewhere.
I think its a great encouragement.