Who am I?
to plan
to hope
to know
to dream
to imagine
to live fully
to love deeply
I am the unexpected surprise
of the blessing found in my humanity
A part of the wonder of creation,
That sacrifices all for love.
Another version of Psalm 56
Hounded by the bay of my critic’s bloodlust,
The treachery of trust’s sacrifice to self love,
Led to the ultimate twisting of Love’s offering,
My smallest error is vindictiveness’ opportunity,
Waiting, for the chance to salt his insults,
Day and night he thinks of new ways to destroy,
Condemnation’s voice conquers goodness,
The remnants of hope dissipated,
Regret found in glimpses of what could have been.
Every tear is remembered by Love,
Each destructive prick shared with his heart,
My sadness is the shadow of hope.
The day of reckoning fast approaches,
All the hate will be brought together,
Hate will face hate’s death stare,
Their eyes a pit of blackness,
Wallowing in it’s own faeces,
A seething mass of foul words,
Giving off a putrid stench,
That no one wants to come near.
A shout of laughter is the final word,
Trusting in Eternity’s promise
Fear is a fading memory,
Banished when hate is reckoned,
My life belongs to hope’s victory,
The sure path of the pilgrim,
Who knows where he belongs,
And, where rest is finally found.
Another version of Psalm 55
I have felt the glare born from brutal self love,
He builds a store of vindictive lies,
Waiting to lash out with free flowing insults,
Tearing down what was given in trust,
Threatening my family with vindictive attacks,
Never leaving me alone – following my every step,
Seeking out new opportunities for destruction.
I remember the sleepless nights,
When I considered the lies to be truth,
Rest was the elusive friend,
That couldn’t be found,
In the middle of the hate storm.
The final tragedy came in from the betrayal,
When love was expected a lie was told,
Vulnerability shared became his weapon,
The soul connection became a gaping wound,
Healing was a slow gift given from Mercy’s heart.
Betrayal’s regretful cry will be his final lament,
The easy broken promises will torment his soul,
Day and night he will toss and turn,
Knowing his deceitful path has gone nowhere,
A storehouse of nothing his legacy of deceit,
Riches gained from a friend’s broken heart,
Become his condemning final word.
Salvation’s voice speaks strong and clear,
The fiercest struggle the beginning of hope,
Rescued from the battle a loving voice is heard,
That calms my rushing heartbeat,
I am carried by a gentle strength,
That lifts me up on broad shoulders,
Confidently facing the battleground,
Protected by Eternity’s kind words,
That find me safe and secure,
In the place where trust truly belongs.
Rainbow Shadows
The shadow of a storm,
Is a rainbow,
Highlighting each unplanned drop,
Light brings the surprise,
The unexpected vibrant colours,
Reminders of an eternal promise,
Hope made visible,
Between every shadow,
Testifying to the light.
Another version of Psalm 54
Betrayal is loyalty’s fatal wound,
Vulnerability risks love’s fullest expression,
Lost trust is the cruelest weapon,
When love shared is used to condemn,
The friend who becomes a stranger,
When shared sorrow becomes hate’s barb.
Love’s hand brings healing trust,
My scars a testimony to his victory,
My pain transformed by Mercy’s forgiveness,
Evil intentions bounce off Love’s shield,
Each stone flung returns to haunt my dear enemy,
I ache to hear the God’s kind words to me,
Every day given a new lesson in being loved,
Each morning a celebration of life lived fully.
Another version of Psalm 53
My search for wisdom,
First took me to despair’s deepest ache,
It was when I thought I was in control,
That I learned life’s harshest lessons,
The lesson that I cannot create my purpose,
This must be accepted as a gift,
Before any effort can seek to achieve it.
Thankfully God found me,
Reaching out to me in my confusion,
Bringing light to my unanswered question,
Loyalty lost was found in one true friend.
Retribution is coming soon,
The made up story is a cover up,
To the truth that is seen by God,
Stripped away reality will terrorise the liar,
He will find his deepest shame truthfully,
Finally, his deceit will be brought to justice.
God’s justice will be the final word,
From which my praise will begin,
I am found in Love’s purest touch,
Speaking the words of endless hope,
Every day new ways to praise God,
Are discovered by Salvation’s embrace.
Another version of Psalm 52
His sharp tongue tastes hatred’s bile,
Spitting vindictive lies believed by nobody,
But, leaving a bitter taste on everyone’s lips,
The blindness of destructive choices,
Caused by only seeing selfish gain,
Crumbling self love amounts to nothing,
Loneliness concludes wasted ambition.
I’m safe in the arms of home’s shelter,
The battle concluded by truth’s honesty,
The mighty have run their race too early,,
Integrity sacrificed for the flash of a shooting star,
Eternity’s gains sacrificed for what’s quickly lost,
My heart has found a trustworthy friend,
Loyalty lost is found in eternal praise,
Life is lived in abundant creative pleasure,
Word’s from love’s compassionate mercy,
My daily celebration of truth lived in me.
Another version of Psalm 51
From the moment I drew my first breath,
My heart ached for Eternity’s whisper,
Longing to discover my hidden wholeness,
Seeking to find my own way ended desperately,
At the end of my tether giving up on life,
Knowing my attempts at wisdom,
Were foolish air swings at stupidity.
Day after day I wandered aimlessly,
Life was the blackest of pits,
My list of wrongs mounting up,
A huge pile that never decreased,
My best efforts were futility in action.
Then came the gift of a blank slate,
Self hatred transformed by forgiveness,
Its beautiful balm of healing mercy,
Wholeness no longer hidden from me,
It became the centre of my reality.
Nothing became my best effort,
A gift from creation’s source to his beloved,
Obedience born from love’s desire,
Is the source of my every thought and action,
Knowing that acceptance is given to brokenness,
Eternity’s tender heart discovering beauty.
Beauty – found in me!
My broken heart transformed by love,
Loyalty found in a true heart,
Together celebrating Eternity’s hope.
Another version of Psalm 50
God’s call to life echoes around the world,
Filling every valley and touching the mountaintop,
A sound that is heard by every single person,
Unmistakably God’s clear call to come home,
The hater cannot plead deafness or ignorance,
His self constructed reality shattered by truth,
Love’s cry to his loved child the sweetest sound,
Shouting my testimony to his awesome presence
Pity help those who fall in love with their voice,
Stupidity believes his own lies calling them truth,
The Liars truth will come into the light,
Revealing the source of every evil intention,
They will squirm under the glare of love’s gaze,
His final realisation is his failure before God,
Self declared salvation is a useless acquisition,
Eternity is the place where justice finally rests.
God doesn’t need me yet He longs to love me,
I am brought into the fullness of Trust’s desire,
My broken heart understanding Grace’s healing,
The accusations of the Liar have no voice,
When surrounded by Grace’s quiet whisper,
A gentle truth replacing selfish false advice,
The wisdom of a beautiful question loving truth,
Ignorance is no excuse for not listening,
Salvation found in a simple yes to God.
It’s ok to tremble
I just watched the movie “Silence” that portrays the story of Portuguese priests who travel to Japan to find their mentor who is rumoured to have renounced his faith.
In the midst of persecution on the pain of death they and the villagers they minister to are asked to trample on a image of Christ to symbolise their denial of Christ. This is a very powerful film that asks important questions about faith.
I thought he was saying, “it’s ok to tremble”. I realised later that he was saying, “it’s ok to trample”. But, I still spent time thinking about how it is ok to tremble. God is with us.
It’s ok to tremble
I tremble, tremble,
When faced with the awful choice,
Of how I could serve,
Tested by what I do,
The cry of my heart,
Speaks of courage,
But, trembles as it comes,
I commit my spirit,
I tremble,
I ask for forgiveness,
I tremble,
In its gift,
I bow.
Another version of Psalm 49
Constantly moving with restless determination,
Always going somewhere but not knowing why,
A life of conversations coming to its end,
Until the final death gasp confronts eternity,
Life’s most important conversation begins,
Death’s words confronting life,
Wondering where he will find his home.
Death’s pile of foolish knowledge,
Turns to eternity’s biggest regret,
Its legacy of self importance quickly fades,
Wealth accumulated vanishes at eternity’s door,
Remembered by their purchased self importance,
Eternity’s loyalty reveals Stupidity’s foolishness.
My heart has found its home,
No longer worried by destruction’s gains,
They are short lived and never satisfied,
Using shattered relationships for selfish ambition,
My home is close to Eternity’s heart,
The breath of hope my final word.
Another version of Psalm 48
Every thought about God begins with great,
Every feeling about God is born from grace,
Every touch from God brings forgiveness,
God is my beginning and my hope,
Eternity’s heart beating in time with mine,
My thoughts surrounded by Love’s embrace,
My home established in Eternity’s soil.
My dear enemy struggles to understand,
The difference between grace and arrogance,
Grace brings arrogance to his knees,
His greatest achievement becoming his disgrace,
His life a shattered wreck of broken hearts,
Strewn through a path of selfish ambition.
My thoughts belong to God,
Drawn to his power,
Safe in his home,
Warm words, safe hands,
God’s blessings mount up each day,
Each step in Eternity’s path,
Taking me closer to my hope,
The never ending conclusion,
To Love’s response to his Beloved.
Another version of Psalm 47
My day begins with God’s word,
Shouting out to the world,
Here I am!
Tremble if you live in your own goodness,
God’s people celebrate God’s grace,
Waking brings his first word of hope,
When sleeping we belong to his rest,
My life surrounded by loving kindness,
Lord of the earth is the Lord of my life,
Wisdom shows me to trust what is true,
Starting each day with God’s faithful heart.
Another version of Psalm 46
When the earth was shuddering around me,
Crumbling edges brought fear with every step,
Desolation was thundering through my thoughts,
Searching day and night for safety,
Finally, I turned to God’s strength,
Tired and worn out from doing it all myself,
I laid my life out before him,
And, said to Him, “Take it all”.
Out of my failure filled life,
Truth brought me to my home,
No longer putting on the ill fitting clothes,
That tried to make me what I wasn’t,
I found where I belonged,
Together seated side by side,
At the table laid out specially for me,
Our endless stream of excited chatter,
Sharing the familiar stories of loved friends.
Then in the silence the truth is fully found,
When the chatter stops and a pause opens space,
I find the strength in knowing each other,
A sure hand that comes from the faithful trust,
When I have nothing left to fill my life,
It’s when I pause I fully find God,
The earth’s discovery of this truth,
Will be its final call to love,
Know God, Stop, Wait, Truth is my strength.
Another version of Psalm 45
The thought of Eternity’s love pouring down,
Humanity’s most beautiful gift,
Given to me, takes my breath away,
My feeblest attempt to describe your grace,
Brings me to a faint glimpse of your beauty,
There are not enough words or paintings,
To describe the promise of His sacred truth,
Humanity’s tragic tramp through history,
Is our sad story of heartbroken forgetting.
Today I am called to remember,
Touched by the healing waters of love,
I am His beloved, never forgotten,
Entrusted with the gift of his truthful heart,
Sharing the fragrance of his body,
Closely held in an intimate embrace,
My delight is in Grace’s words to me,
A procession of never ending praise,
His white blaze of glory warms my soul,
Entering my heart in a joyous celebration,
My eyes are captured by Eternity’s gaze,
Inviting me into His heart, the soul of love,
Forever, the promise of life shared with me.
When my heart wanders …
April and I wandered through the area around Queen Mary falls and beyond a few months ago. We found places of beauty regularly. This photo was one of them. We need to allow ourselves to wander if we want to let creativity emerge. This poem also is expressing some of the gifts that are found in creating a free space.
When my heart wanders…
When I take the time to wander,
Wandering with no planned destination,
By myself and with silence allowed
to speak,
Words begin to play in my mind,
A thought forms a line on a page,
Connecting what I see to my soul,
Then my heart goes to,
What could be said in a poem.
I love that a poem –
doesn’t need a conclusion,
Can ask a question and leave it there,
Its where I can play with commas and full stops
and breaks,
Allowing words that connect with my heart,
To flow without the rules I never learned properly,
Expressing, rather than following confusing grammar,
Words scattered across a page,
Forming something that speaks clearly,
If I let my heart wander.
A poem makes me more human,
Admitting my finite reality,
Shaping creative desires,
When I don’t know everything,
So I just write something,
Mostly what is unknown,
Knowing that I am not alone,
But realising I need to be by myself,
To allow my heart to wander freely,
To know only partially,
Content in enjoying my wandering,
Waiting for the poem yet to be written.
The bridge
April and I went for a walk yesterday to that beautiful little fern gully and its waterfall that I found a little while ago. Together we came across this other path that had a broken bridge and a path that led to nowhere. This poem came out of that discovery.
The bridge
Bent from the water flowing past,
Guide rails misshapenly tilted forward,
From too much water
moving past, too often, too fast
Humanity’s discards, destroying,
Weapons carried by the flow,
Except for the forgotten bridge,
No one knows how
the scars of jetsam’s blows,
Have broken this bridge’s back.
Slowly the weeds accumulate,
Neglect gives permission to creation,
For the slow process of death and life,
To begin once again,
And, nature starts to reclaim
what was always hers,
The path not taken,
The bridge forgotten,
Is where new shoots begin.
These remnants are reminders,
That a pilgrim’s discoveries,
Are all paths taken before,
The surprise witnessed
Is through the eyes of my path,
That I walk once in this life,
The bridge invites me to understand,
Brokenness, my jetsam and its damage,
The love of discovery,
The beauty of sitting with brokenness,
Fresh shoots breaking through,
And, how brief time makes bridges,
worn paths and human inventions.
A prayer to end the week
So, this is what a sacred space looks like,
A moment where I stop and take the time,
To reflect on the week that has passed,
Words beginning from a desire to pray,
Forming out of my thankful heart,
For a week where I had the opportunity,
To share life with others,
At work,
With my family,
And, my friends,
To offer someone a place to stay,
To attend meetings that needed my attention,
To love someone by giving freely of my time,
Cherishing the words that we shared,
Being present to whatever I am called to,
Encouraging others because I took the time,
To first hear the words of my Father,
Spoken to his beloved child,
Blessings appreciated and I am thankful for,
Because, I took a moment,
To know what’s in my heart,
A prayer written,
Because, I took the time to say to God
This is how you make your beloved feel.
I started this week by going for a walk around the Toowoomba range. This photo was a beautiful little waterfall that I found when I took an overgrown path that no one uses anymore.
Gettin there?
Howyagoing? Gettin there?
Isn’t asked often nowadays,
Our messaging apps
With their rapid fire responses,
Replacing the friendly question,
That reflected a gentler pace,
Where we recognised that
someone might be in the middle of stuff,
And, that the best we could do,
For that moment,
Was to keep going,
Turning up,
Gettin there.
A full stop always ends a sentence.
The flow of words and phrases,
Flowing freely from
an endless spring,
Need to learn how to stop,
Left to themselves they are unwise,
Blathering on thoughtlessly,
But, someone needs to know
How to make the mark that signifies
enough is said.
Too many words pass without pausing
not stopping to think of the gouges scored,
Through the pages of my story,
Too late a fatal wound is struck,
The final lash the lightest touch,
Love dies slowly for the lover,
Eked away by too many words,
Slow death caused from erosion,
Forgiveness is its full stop.
Marking when hate’s time is up.
Forgiveness allows a page to be turned,
In a book where I choose
A blank page to begin again
Or, to continue the story
repeating the already read pages.
Forgiveness is the transition from what
shaped everything till now,
A new page the marker that
forces me to go to a new chapter,
The full stop offering a fresh start,
With the next words I choose.
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