Hounded by the bay of my critic’s bloodlust,
The treachery of trust’s sacrifice to self love,
Led to the ultimate twisting of Love’s offering,
My smallest error is vindictiveness’ opportunity,
Waiting, for the chance to salt his insults,
Day and night he thinks of new ways to destroy,
Condemnation’s voice conquers goodness,
The remnants of hope dissipated,
Regret found in glimpses of what could have been.
Every tear is remembered by Love,
Each destructive prick shared with his heart,
My sadness is the shadow of hope.
The day of reckoning fast approaches,
All the hate will be brought together,
Hate will face hate’s death stare,
Their eyes a pit of blackness,
Wallowing in it’s own faeces,
A seething mass of foul words,
Giving off a putrid stench,
That no one wants to come near.
A shout of laughter is the final word,
Trusting in Eternity’s promise
Fear is a fading memory,
Banished when hate is reckoned,
My life belongs to hope’s victory,
The sure path of the pilgrim,
Who knows where he belongs,
And, where rest is finally found.