From the moment I drew my first breath,
My heart ached for Eternity’s whisper,
Longing to discover my hidden wholeness,
Seeking to find my own way ended desperately,
At the end of my tether giving up on life,
Knowing my attempts at wisdom,
Were foolish air swings at stupidity.
Day after day I wandered aimlessly,
Life was the blackest of pits,
My list of wrongs mounting up,
A huge pile that never decreased,
My best efforts were futility in action.
Then came the gift of a blank slate,
Self hatred transformed by forgiveness,
Its beautiful balm of healing mercy,
Wholeness no longer hidden from me,
It became the centre of my reality.
Nothing became my best effort,
A gift from creation’s source to his beloved,
Obedience born from love’s desire,
Is the source of my every thought and action,
Knowing that acceptance is given to brokenness,
Eternity’s tender heart discovering beauty.
Beauty – found in me!
My broken heart transformed by love,
Loyalty found in a true heart,
Together celebrating Eternity’s hope.