The empty eyes of betrayed trust,
Reflected the loss of kindness’ heart,
Contempt’s glare at loyalty,
Chased my thoughts day after day,
His desire to tear down what was loved,
Hatred born from greed’s insatiable lust,
His life spent gathering dusty treasures,
Gone in an instant never satisfying,
What was taken is just a puff of smoke.
Treachery reaps its reward,
What is received is never enough,
Mercy is never far away,
From the hope born in loving words,
The glare of betrayal replaced by kind trust,
The put downs of arrogance forgotten for love,
Pursued by destruction’s hunger for more,
His blood lust bringing him quickly undone.
My joy is found in my sadness,
What was lost through hate is found in God,
When love turns His face to a selfish heart,
God’s piercing glare of justice,
Will seek him out and all excuses will be lost,
The easy trophies won over the broken,
Will become his badges of shame.
Mercy has stayed with me during my dark nights,
His work completing my healing with tenderness,
Blessings arriving each day are reminders of trust,
Loyalty will be repaid by Eternity’s friendship,
Sharing forever the joy of sacred trust.