When I discovered truth in you God,
I couldn’t ever imagine going back to what I had before,
I know that one day everyone will recognise you as God.
I want every part of me to know you,
I want you to heal my broken heart,
So that gap between desire and reality is bridged,
Creation’s wonder emerges renewed,
Shadows become bathed in light.
Stupidly people seek to bring me down,
Their anger against me is turned to you,
What a fearful world they must live in,
I pity them because they don’t know about grace,
They live in a tenuous half life,
Constrained by their own pain,
Their world doesn’t understand compassion,
They seek to feel better by pushing me down.
My next request is difficult,
But, show me your goodness,
Deal with those stupid people,
Let their futile attempts at greatness,
When they sought to destroy me,
Become their own tormenter,
Don’t take it easy on their destructive desire,
I seek mercy to be shown through your strength,
God, you work it out – I will trust you.