God’s love is my one sure truth,
My only uncertainty is knowing where to begin praise,
There is no end to his goodness,
Even when I fail his love is constant,
There is nothing exempted from his love.
He gives special consideration to the poor,
The broken hearted and broken spirited,
Those without a meal,
Rich oppressors need to watch out,
Selfish greed will meet with eternal love,
Justice will be fully delivered,
Love’s protective hand will stop the selfish,
They will have no excuses – everything laid bare,
Fear will be the oppressor’s reward,
As the reality of their actions are realised.
I will confidently praise God today,
Fear is not on our agenda,
Opportunity is mine,
He gives me bold courage to face truth,
Now my daily concern is how to –
Find enough time to praise God,
My main task is now my deepest joy.