Opposition to God will be short lived,
I can see hate’s impotence,
Powerless self importance,
That is a futile grasp for control,
Banging his puny fist on air,
Hurting no one except himself,
Lamenting regrets with no one listening.
Here is what my God does!
When I thought I was bankrupt,
He sent blessing upon blessing,
When I thought I was defeated,
He has restored me completely,
When I thought I was alone,
He joined me in my tears and victories,
When I thought I was a failure,
He showed me his path to greatness.
All that God shows me,
Everything I celebrate this morning,
These are examples of infinite power,
Expressing infinite love,
To a grateful child.
I will search out God today,
For new ways to thank Him,
Celebrating eternal love,
That is His gift to me.