Truth will lay our hearts bare,
Evil intentions cloaked in kindness,
Will not be tolerated any more,
Masquerading lies as truth,
Clever words manipulated to destroy,
Are all headed to a fire called Justice.
Strength comes from doing what is right,
Tolerance for vindictiveness is zero.
Love stands up for the broken hearted,
It knows when enough is enough.
From my weakness I have learned to trust only God,
This becomes my strength,
It will leave the vindictive cowards full of shame,
My daily praise will be their disgrace,
Their lies will lead them to despair,
Silence is no longer possible,
Because God’s truth cannot be contained.
My daily praise comes from love filled heart,
I delight every morning in God’s words,
It gives me strength to face the haters,
To love them but to trust God,
My reward is a good night’s sleep,
Blessings that mount up each day,
Hope that is filled by Eternity.