God sees every part of me,
There is no stone unturned in my heart,
God you know I have followed you for years,
Seeking to be an obedient child,
Wanting to follow in my Father’s footsteps.
You showed me that the bully is a liar,
Incapable of speaking truth,
I had to stop listening to their sweet sounding lies,
To be able to hear your hard truths.
Breaking free from the bully is hard,
They are clever in their deceit,
They know how to charm – then destroy,
My best weapon is to put God first,
It disarms deceit,
All the bully can do is run in circles,
Making lots of noise.
Resistance is futile when God is put first,
– Light against fog,
– Hope against depression,
The right choice is obvious,
Waking to praise brings hope,
There’s no cover up – Praise fills my life.