I thought my end was very close,
Frantically looking for somewhere to go,
Every path seemed like a dead end,
It was then I called out to God,
I asked, “What do you think you are doing?”
Opposition seemed to be my daily message,
Speaking words to bring me me down,
Wanting to crush my spirit completely,
I heard them and thought they were true,
They echoed in my head, day and night,
I began repeating the defeat words,
Thinking that they were my destiny.
God knew what he was doing in my life,
Creating a path of hope for me,
Gradually life emerged again,
My daily task to first seek God,
Bringing fresh light to the path.
People, frenemies quickly turned,
Seeking the worst for me,
Pretending to care with veiled threats,
But, my daily search for truth,
Disarmed the stream of false truths,
Their message bouncing of my daily praise.
The lies told me death was hope,
But my life is now a witness to God’s promise,
The lies are completely defeated,
A constant thorn to destruction’s wish,
Betrayal has become his daily burden,
Duplicity hounding him to sleepless nights,
A weight that gets heavier each day.
I look with confidence to each new day,
Rejection transformed by acceptance,
My life is a celebration of God’s faithfulness,
To the one who lost his way but is found,
Victory is not found in vindication,
But, in living with eternal trust,
I am completed by praising God today.