The search for grace is the heart’s first yearning,
Mercy is our constant quest,
The world is a pit of selfish cravings,
That seek to swallow our deepest pain,
But, our heart cannot be ignored,
Its restless wanderings must find a home,
Or else be condemned to despair.
My life has witnessed the black hopelessness,
Of being told that I don’t belong,
Born from anger but lived from pain,
Some wounds will never go away,
Lashed again and again the pain all the more,
Because of betrayal’s source.
Healing is the sweet voice of God’s kindest words,
That brings us to the warmest sound,
Words that give hope and love,
From whatever place we are found,
My wandering heart is home again,
My life speaking a message of forgiveness,
From where true love always begins,
Revenge is sacrificed to a merciful justice,
Hope for all to know love true rewards,
Is the first thought of each new day.